You are currently viewing Empowering Local Religious Leaders to Promote Reconciliation, Trauma Recovery and Reduce Stigma Against Victims
Figure: Training Session for religious leaders at Axum Consolar Hotel

Empowering Local Religious Leaders to Promote Reconciliation, Trauma Recovery and Reduce Stigma Against Victims

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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Ethiopian Institute of Peace (EIP) organized a training for religious leaders. The training took place from June 3-5, 2024 in Axum at Consolar Hotel. The training involved 55 participants drawn from three project woredas namely Adwa, Naeder and Ahsea. The topics covered in the training consisted of:

  • Concepts of trauma informed Recovery and Resilience (TIRR)
  • Role of Religious Leaders in Communal Trauma Recovery and Resilience and
  • Conflict Sensitivity

Religious leaders are considered essential in both private and public life due to their irreplaceable role as conscience of communities. However, religious leaders don’t have opportunity to meet, nor do they have a dedicated platform to dialogue, plan and act together although they have been engaged individually in healing process in their respective communities. During the training, participants agreed on the collaborative frameworks and on how to improve trauma-related situations at community and individual levels.


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