Strategic Priorities
EIP has the following five strategic goals
- Build and strengthen the capacity of EIP
- Build strong and trusted relationships with partners
- Establish sustainable funding base
- Promote a Culture of peace, conflict prevention and resolution
- Build strongPromotion of conflict sensitive developmentand trusted relationships with partners
Strategic Objectives
- To improve the performance of EIP’s staffs
- To increase the number of partnership engagements with stakeholders
- To maintain transparency in all operational activities
- To increase the amounts of funds raised from local sources
- To enhance the number of participants on culture of peace promotion through training at all level
- To enhance the capacity of elders and peace committees in Ethiopia and the horn of Africa
- To enhance the number of participants on culture of peace promotion through training at all level
- To enhance the number of participants on culture of peace promotion through training at all level
- To raise awareness on culture of peace
- To enhance the capacity of development actors in conflict sensitive development approaches