“To bring people to peace and reconciliation, we decided that we must be peaceful and forgivers, and a real exemplary in the eye of our community; then we, as peace committee members, gained an opportunity to get the respect, confidence and heart of our people, including from the disputants”
The land-induced conflicts in the Kebele begun before 3 years in 2020 and the disputants tried to end their conflict via government and court systems from Kebele up to zone and regional structures, which failed once and again.
EIP’s project intervention in this Kebele enabled the peace committee to address these persisted conflicts immediately as it was launched. This problem was resolved by the members of the peace committee by conducting critical steps and procedures that are: firstly, they conducted self-review and criticism to become champions of peace where some members with old hostilities ended it with forgiveness and reconciliation to become a model of peace. Secondly, they mobilized local capacities of peace such as elders and the church to bring together the disputants and achieve peace and reconciliation among them and the community.
Other factors of conflict, crime and insecurity are also rightly being resolved. Now, the peace committee is viewed as agent and angel of peace and harmony in the Kebele.