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Natural Resource Management (NRM) – Additional Governance and Peace Component Project

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  • Post last modified:August 5, 2022
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NRM-Borana-Additional Governance and Peace Component (Outcome 4) to contribute to the overall project of Sustainable Natural Resource Management for Enhanced Pastoralist Food Security in the Borna Zone being implemented Borana Zone, Oromia National Regional State by HELVETAS and other partners.

Funding Partners: HELVETAS with technical backstopping from Swisspeace

Period: 1st January 2020 to 31st, December 2021.

Project Target Areas: The project is located and is implemented in administrative boundary areas of Borana Zone, Oromia National Regional State. It targets the two rangelands Golbo and Dire in Borana Zone for implementation activities. The geographical coverage, in terms of administrative units, the project covers 5 woredas of the zone namely Dire, Dillo, Miyo, Dhas and Wachile, and sixteen (16) selected kebeles. The target kebeles include: Hara-Jarte, Web, Kakalo, Dhas, Melbana, Maldacho, Hoodhi-Samaro, Soda, Chirate, Arbale, Kadim, Magaole, Hida-Babo, Baha, Gayo, Gorile.

Overview of the Project Intentions

The objective of the project is to contribute to the improved natural resource management livelihood, through conflict prevention and resolution, by empowering the local government and customary institutions to better collaborate between themselves and the community for social cohesion, conflict prevention, peacebuilding. Through collaboration and increased capacity of both institutions and community, peaceful and collaborative natural resource management, the project will prevent conflict further ensuring the gains made by other interventions in the project areas.  Overall, the project aims to enhance linkages between local government and customary institutions for successful implementation of the NRM-Borana project and wider development in the area through nurturing an enabling and peaceful environment for sustainability of the gains made by implementation of other natural resources or development related activities in the area. The NRM-Borana Additional Governance and Peace Component (Outcome 4) has two outputs: Output 4.1 Local Government and Customary institutions are capacitated to plan, implement and monitor in a complementary and participatory manner local plans; and Output 4.2. Local Government & Customary Institutions are Equipped to better prevent and resolve intra-and inter-community conflicts.


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