Ethiopian Institute of Peace (EIP), in collaboration with LPI and IAG, has been implementing and EU funded Civil Society Capacity Strengthening for Peace (CS4P) Project. The overall objective of the project is to enhance the role of Ethiopian peacebuilding civil society organizations (CSOs) in dialogue and reconciliation efforts at the national, regional and community levels. to this effect, EIP was commissioned to provide both the technical and the organizational capacity development supports to the selected CSOs from all over the country.
Training on Conflict Management skill, Conflict Early Warning & Early Response and Culture of Peace for Emerging CSOs in Ethiopia
EIP conducted five day-training for CSOs representative selected from all over the country on Conflict Management skill, Conflict Early Warning & Early Response and Culture of Peace in Addis Ababa at Tolip Olympia Hotel from 16-20/10/2023. EIP arranged for fifteen (15) CSOs to take part in the training, with two participants from every CSO.